
Where had live artistic figures in Paris

108 rue du bac paris

Places in Paris where French and international political or artistic figures had lived.

Writers, musicians, artists, politicians, find out a non-exhaustive list of these building, to be discovered during your walks in Paris (map with locations on the right column).


  • Richard Wagner lived from October 1860 to July 1861 3 rue d’ Aumale, in “New Athens” neighborhood, 9th arrondissement. And from 1861 to 1862 in the Hôtel Wogue (now Hotel du Quai Voltaire ) 19, quai Voltaire.
  • Jules Michelet spent the last years of his life 76, rue d’Assas. He died at Hyères February 9, 1874 .
  • Molière died February 17, 1673 in a house that no longer exists today , ” Today, the current level of 40, rue de Richelieu.
  • Jean-Baptiste Corot died February 22, 1875 56, rue du Faubourg Poissoniere . 
  • Saint- Simon died March 10, 1755 at the location of 102 , rue de Grenelle.
  • Square Avenue Foch (16th), a private road that starts at the 80 Avenue Foch : Debussy died March 26, 1918 at n°24, Marcel Pagnol lived at n° 16.
  • Mirabeau died April 2, 1791 in a house that where at the level of n°42 Rue de la Chaussee d’Antin.
  • Émile Zola was born April 2, 1840 10 rue St. Joseph.
  • Anatole France was born April 16, 1844 , 19 quai Malaquais .
  • Racine died 21 April 1699 24 , Rue Visconti, formerly known as “Rue des Marais”. 
  • Alfred de Musset died May 2, 1857 in the house that bears the No. 6 rue du Mont-Thabor.
  • Voltaire died May 30, 1778 at 29 Quai Voltaire .
  • Beaumarchais died May 18, 1790 in a hotel that no longer exists, formerly located at the No. 2 Boulevard Beaumarchais. From 1776 to 1778 he had lived in the Hôtel des Ambassadeurs de Hollande, 17, rue Vieille -du- Temple, where he wrote The Marriage of Figaro.
  • Lafayette died May 20, 1834 at 8, rue d’Anjou , in Mazin hotel.
  • Alexandre Dumas, fils, was born July 27, 1824 1 Place Boïeldieu .
  • Diderot died July 31, 1784 39, rue de Richelieu.
  • In 1804 , Simon Bolivar made ​​a trip to Paris and lived 4, rue Vivienne.
  • Sainte-Beuve died October 13, 1869 at No. 11, rue du Montparnasse .
  • Chopin died October 17, 1849 12, place Vendôme. He also lived with George Sand at Square d’ Orleans, 9th arrondissement.
  • Eugène Delacroix lived from 1844 to 1857 at No. 58 rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette. Paul Gauguin was born in No. 56
  • Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, lived from 1756 to 1782 at n° 17 rue Jean-Baptiste Pigalle.
  • Théodore Géricault lived 21 rue des Martyrs.
  • Adolphe Thiers, the first President of the Third French Republic , lived  27, place Saint-Georges.
  • Vincent Van Gogh lived with his brother Théo at 54 rue Lepic in Montmartre.
  • Victor Hugo lived from 1832 to 1848 at 6, Place des Vosges. The apartment is now a museum.


Useful Informations

Writers, musicians, artists, politicians, find out where had lived great french and international figures in Paris.


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